About Us

Hi everyone !

Welcome to Selin and Terrys' Lifestyle Blog. We are currently 20 years old and we have been dating for almost 2 years. Although we sometimes (like all couples) argue and have hard times understanding eachother we still have a lot in common. Things like ; Fashion, Music, Art, Food, Travelling and Crafting. That's why we decided to start a Lifestyle Blog and share our life with you. But first we would like you guys to get to know us better... So here we go!

 Selin was born on the 26th of April 1992 in Belgium while Terry the boy of her dreams was born on the 10th of August 1992 in Holland . Not so far from eachother huh? :) After living in Belgium for a short period of time Selin and her parents moved to Abu Dhabi (U.A.E) where Terry followed along with his parents after living in Holland for 4 years. They were still unaware of eachother. He went to a British school and she went to a French school. One day both of their parents decided to go on a boat trip with their children.That decision would change their kids lives entirely. Because that was the day the two little 5 year olds were going to come across eachother for the first time.Terry moved to Turkey to a City called Mersin. A couple of years later, Selin and her parents followed, without knowing that they were moving to the same Country and City. What are the odds? Anyway...They ended up spending their teenage years there and had a hard time fitting in. But they had no other choice but than to do so and it wasn't all that bad.

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